Narratology: Applying Simpson’s Modality in Kafka’s The Judgement

Kareem, Mohammed and Omar, Rozgar Yousif and Hussain, Aree Ghazi (2018) Narratology: Applying Simpson’s Modality in Kafka’s The Judgement. Cihan University-Erbil Scientific Journal, 2 (1). pp. 91-99.

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The term ‘point of view’ has, in the last decades, turned out to be indispensable for literary studies, is extremely abstruse and hence is in need of discussion and elucidation. According to Chatman (1978) even the regular use of the term ‘point of view’ embodies three discrete phenomena: perceptual point of view, conceptual point of view and interest point of view. On the contrary, when it is used in a literary sense, the term ‘point of view’ carries the meaning of two dissimilar notions: that of narration and that of focalization; in Genette’s words, the one who speaks and the one who perceives.
Furthermore, whilst analysing point of view in a literary text the three different types of narration should be kept in mind: authorial narration (omniscient), figural narration (the narrator is an active participant in the story and has a limited viewpoint) and finally first person narration (either ‘I as protagonist’ or ‘I as witness’, whose perspective on the story world is also l mited (Dassler 2003)).
This article sets out an encompassing framework for the analysis of point of view in Kafka’s The Judgement. Brief critical overview of the story is presented to highlight the
stance of the text in the literary world, and then the position of point of view in literature is discussed, after which the different opinions on point of view are explained.
Subsequently, there is a practical analysis of some excerpts in the story that shows how objective values in the story world is achieved as well as how escapism is shaped in The

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Narratology, Point of View, First Person Narrator, Omniscient Narrator, Modality.
Subjects: B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion > BJ Ethics
P Language and Literature > PN Literature (General)
Divisions: Department of Translation > Research papers
Depositing User: ePrints Depositor
Date Deposited: 06 Oct 2024 19:46
Last Modified: 06 Oct 2024 19:46

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