Investigation of Edible Oil Quality in Fast Food Restaurants in Erbil City

Galali, Yaseen and Fadhil Saleem, Mahmood and Hussain Rasul, Nabil (2024) Investigation of Edible Oil Quality in Fast Food Restaurants in Erbil City. Kirkuk University Journal for Agricultural Sciences, 15 (1). pp. 107-116. ISSN 2958-6585

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The study aimed to assess the quality of fried oil in Erbil City. Therefore, fried oils and fats from 10 fast-food restaurants in Erbil were randomly collected. Frying process as well as fried oils was submitted into evaluation, by determining some physicochemical characteristics namely p-Ansisidne value (pAV), lodine value (IV), Peroxide value (PV), Acid value (AV) and fatty acids profile using
GC MS as well as Refractive index and viscosity. Results indicated that the majority of restaurants used sunflower oil most commonly as a frying medium, potato (French fries) among the fried foods, steel utensils and gas as a heating source. In addition, frying temperatures ranged from 150 to 217°C, and they replenished oil instead of changing it at the end of the working shift or day. The highest AV
was in sample one 1.3 and lowest in sample five 0.3 (mg KOH/g). Also, highest PV, IV and pAV was 9.5(mEq/kg oil), 144(g/100g oil) and 65 the lowest was 0.3 (mEq/kg oil), 51 (g/100g oil) and 9 respectively. Regarding refractive index was between 1.40 to 1.47. The data also showed that the
fresh fats and oils (controls) seem to be within the Iraqi guideline specification. High AV indicated that fried oil had exceeded the standard specification. Viscosity (cP) of discorded oil noticeably increased with increasing frying time. The results of GC-MS showed that the highest fatty acid percentage of palmetic, stearic, oleic, and linoleic 49.25, 3.85, 46.44 and 61.41, respectively

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Oil, quality, physiochemical properties, fast food restaurants health risks
Subjects: H Social Sciences > H Social Sciences (General)
Q Science > Q Science (General)
Divisions: Department of Nutrition > Research papers
Depositing User: ePrints Depositor
Date Deposited: 21 Nov 2024 19:58
Last Modified: 21 Nov 2024 19:58

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