Employing a Booster/Ejector-Assisted Organic Flash Cycle to Heat Recovery of SOFC System; Exergy- and Economic-Based Optimization**

Hai, Tao and El-Shafay, A.S. and Alizadeh, As'ad and Almojil, Sattam Fahad and Almohana, Abdulaziz Ibrahim and Alali, Abdulrhman Fahmi (2023) Employing a Booster/Ejector-Assisted Organic Flash Cycle to Heat Recovery of SOFC System; Exergy- and Economic-Based Optimization**. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 48 (48). pp. 18433-18453. ISSN 03603199

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Integrating heat recovery units into modern power plants is a good way to improve their efficiency in the future. To address this challenge, this study aims to design and develop an electricity/cooling cogeneration system (ECCS) that uses a solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC), fed by CH4, along with a booster/ejector-assisted organic flash cycle that recovers heat from the exhausted gasses. An extended evaluation of the output of the proposed ECCS is conducted based on energy-exergy, environmental, and exergoeconomic criteria, in which the SOFC's current density (JSOFC), the SOFC operating temperature (TSOFC), along with the flashing tank temperature (TFT), are considered variables. Accordingly, the exergetic efficiency and cost of products as objective functions are optimized by the NSGA-II method. The optimum state is reachable at TFT=370 K, TSOFC=895 K, and JSOFC=5000 A/m2. Here, the exergetic efficiency and cost of products are calculated at 53.23% and 43.27 $/GJ. Accordingly, energetic efficiency and total exergoeconomic factor are enhanced by 1.33% and 1.96%, respectively, compared with the based case. Moreover, a variation in TFT does not have any effect on the pollution damage cost (
) at all, in fact, the PDC remains at 3.066 $/h regardless of the variation in TFT.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC), Heat Recovery, Cogeneration System, Exergy Optimization, NSGA-II Method.
Subjects: Q Science > QC Physics
T Technology > T Technology (General)
T Technology > TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General)
Divisions: Department of Civil Engineering > Research papers
Depositing User: ePrints Depositor
Date Deposited: 30 Oct 2024 22:41
Last Modified: 30 Oct 2024 22:41
URI: https://eprints.cihanuniversity.edu.iq/id/eprint/2393

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